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Falling Forward: The Current church in Canada – Revitalize, Reform, or is it Time for a Revolution

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One quick browse through social media and it seems like we’re more polarized than ever. As Jesus followers, we know we’re called to a posture of listening, understanding and love – even with those we disagree with. We know what we’re called to do, but what are the practical tools we use to do it?

Join us this week where we will learn and engage together in a 3-practice circle, lead by our very own 3-practice certified coach Brandon Laird. We’ll learn the methodology and postures of learning to stay in the room with difference and then use the method and practice to tackle the question “The current church in Canada – revitalize, reform or is it time for a revolution”? You won’t want to miss this Learning Centre, so mark Thursday at 1:30 pm eastern on your calendar!



Brandon Laird

Brandon Laird is an Inclusive Innovation Designer, Spiritual Entrepreneur, and Transformational Coach, interested in working with all types of Christ-followers to co-create the present and future church. This is encapsulated in these 3 areas: celebrations, parties, and releasing the captives.