Ep 85 - Is The Future Of The Church Online? - Jordan and Sonya Tetley

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Episode 85 of The New Leaf Project is here!

As churches across Canada moved their services online in 2020, some perhaps for the first time, digital became the default option for worshipping communities. Moving forward, are facility-centric approaches to ministry and mission the only option for church planting in Canada? Is the future of Church planting in Canada digital? 

This week’s guests, Jordan and Sonya Tetley have tackled digital church planting here in Canada and pioneered a new online church in the middle of our current pandemic. They unpack the practicality of what pioneering this new church plant looks like and what it means for pastoring and leading people in the way of Jesus through a digital platform. They share about the global aspects of their church plant and the community they’ve collected from around the world. This is an informative and helpful conversation for anyone considering pioneering a new work online. 


Jordan and Sonya Tetley are the planting pastors of Church 365 (C365). After pastoring an International Church in Beijing, China for more than a decade, they returned back home to Canada in 2016. Upon returning, Jordan and Sonya had a desire to church plant, but couldn’t seem to settle on where. For the next four years, they pastored at a Chinese Church in Mississauga as they continued to pray about what church planting might look like for them. Although they weren’t getting a clear direction on the location, they knew they had a gift of reaching global people.

When the pandemic hit in 2020, they began to contemplate if a purely digital church was viable. Over the course of a few months, they cast the vision and began building a team that now crosses 4 continents and more than 12 countries around the globe. C365 is still in the pre-launch stage as they continue building the team, but they are growing their online presence throughout the week and are hosting full services online once a month. Jordan and Sonya have four children and live in Georgetown, Ontario.