Ep 96 - Movies for Lent: Pig - Jason Tripp & Adam Kline


The next Movies for Lent episode has arrived!

Jason and Adam, pastors and movie-lovers, are hosting Movies for Lent: Conversations at the Intersection of Faith & Film.

You can participate in the live watch experience and discussion on Wednesdays over zoom (join the Movies for Lent facebook group for more info), or participate on your own by using these podcast episodes as a jumping-off point for reflection or discussion in your own communities.

This week’s selection is Pig (2021).

Theme: Kingdom
Lectionary Scripture: Luke 19:28-34
Discussion Questions:

  1. After viewing ‘Pig’ what thoughts and impressions lingered as the credits rolled and beyond? Why?

  2. From a cinematic perspective, what did you enjoy about the film? What worked for you? What didn’t?

  3. In our lectionary passage, Jesus rides into Jerusalem atop a donkey, an action which is both prophetic and subversive. How is the kingdom of God embodied in the life of Jesus both prophetic and subversive? How does Robin, our protagonist in the film, similarly say and do things that are both prophetic and subversive?

  4. On the surface, Pig is a straightforward story of working through grief and loss. Beneath the surface however, the film is full of layers of meaning and metaphor. Consider hosting a dinner part to enjoy a sumptuous meal and meaningful conversation around the rich themes of the movie.